Posting everything about life and pop culture with more than 140 characters

Busy as Ever

By  Justin Carreiro     4:58 PM    Labels:,,,,,, 
Hey Bloggers!

I know that I have been slacking off for writing this blog and I feel really terrible about it. Time got away from me this past week and I was completely busy  to write something that I actually enjoy to do on my time off. I swear that hopefully it will not happen again and I will bring you new reviews and articles to enjoy yourself with. Deal?
Irony is never lost on these pictures

Well if you must know what I have been doing this past week, I was entirely busy with school and preparing group projects and assignments. In school we were learning about our personal branding and more about the Public Relations field; I may feel like writing an article about personal online branding later on so I'll keep you posted. My class had some great guest speakers on Thursday who were from such amazing places like the PR agency, Edelman, Universal Music Canada, the Maple Leafs organization, and one formerly from Me to We. School is always busy and things are already starting to get intense but I enjoy every minute of it with my friends.

On the work front, Gap is still....Gap. Still getting the hours and having the fun experiences with my work mates. We got some new employees and saw some old familiar faces like our Craig Kielburger-loving friend, Kemeny. I had Linh try and teach me more about Visuals so lets see where that will go.

Volunteering is perking up! Did an orientation for IFOA, International Festival of Authors, at the Harbourfront Centre and prepping for the Toronto Zombie Walk amongst other opportunities. I know I should be slowing down and giving me more time to relax but when I feel like volunteering for something and feel somewhat passionate about it then I like to do it and help the organizations.

Personal is going to be very personal so I'm just gonna keep that to myself for now, haha. I will say that tonight hopefully will be a good night and we will see if I hang out with friends tonight.

Well thats it for catching up and I'll be posting up a new blog entry soon so hang in there everyone.

About Justin Carreiro

Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.

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