Second blog post of the day and I hope everyone's Christmas morning was everything you wanted and more. No real big surprises in terms of gifts for myself - I basically get my own gifts and I know what everyone in my family purchases for under the tree. Though, the real surprise was the awkward drama that followed. (I'll save that for another day!)
One of the gifts I got was a DVD of Pitch Perfect... which took me a while to finally get! I loved the movie and couldn't wait to have a copy for the holidays. My recommendation is definitely watch the film; it will surprise and you will love it. The DVD features a couple of featurettes, including an A Capella music video with the cast, YouTube star Mike Tompkins (pbpproductions) and fans who submitted for a cover of "Starships" by Nicki Minaj.
Since it's Tuesday, let's change up the feature and make this post only one video. The video is so catchy - enjoy!
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(Photo courtesy of MTV UK) |
...Tate Stevens!
The 37-year old country music singer was announced as the winner of The X Factor's second season at yesterday's season finale. Tate, whom was a season frontrunner, earned the most votes in the end against runner-up Carly Rose Sonenclar and third place finisher Fifth Harmony. While I'm not surprised to see him walk away with the title, he wouldn't have been my first choice to win. Nevertheless, he has won the title and a $5 million recording contract.
With that being said, let's get right into the overview:
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Carly Rose Sonenclar
Oh Carly, I wanted her to win this season. She was the one I felt with the most "star quality" and potential to be a successful artist post-show. However, things can't always be planned and this might be the best news for her. Hit Broadway again, sign with a new record label, take some time off, or start recording some new tracks. Tate may have walked away with the title but she earned the most social buzz for when her debut albums hits shelves (or iTunes). The finale performances weren't as great as the previous ones and the recent trouble with LeAnn Rhimes might overshadow her reputation for a while. Though, I can't wait to see what her first new song will be.
OVER 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
Tate Stevens
The sound I heard when he won: whomp whomp! It was kind of expected that he would be the winner because of his song choices, his backstory and the fact that country music seems to be a really big thing in the U.S. The finale performances were good (not great) and he could be a moderate success in the genre. However, I found him to be dull and repetitive - not my type of thing but who cares. He may not have been my favourite but I will say congratulations and good luck on the solo career.
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Fifth Harmony
Fifth Harmony did better than many had originally expected. Their finale performances weren't that great - I have a bias against repeating past performances and they did this a lot in the last two weeks. Contestants should never look back unless it's the week's theme and they HAVE to choose a previous song. Third place was almost guaranteed once the show started; my preferred final two from these three would have been Carly and Fifth Harmony. Surprisingly, I read that they've been signed by Simon Cowell's record label and will be staying together, even though they were created for the purpose of the show. Congratulations to them on being signed! Thing about it for a minute, the number of talent contestants who perform and never get signed... they deserve some credit.
Well, that's it for another season of The X Factor. The show is confirmed to return for 2013 with a third season and there will be another round of hopefuls ready to compete. New judges, new contestants and a new season of overblown performances... sounds like fun.
Did the right person win the prize? Sound off in the comments and let me know what you thought of the season.
My second Gossip Girl post of the day!
She is the master behind the website and the girl with eyes seemingly everywhere around the big city. Since the series began in 2007, I gave up on guessing which character would be revealed as the mastermind. However, I've always maintained that Gossip Girl would be a girl and someone linked to the main cast. Serena and Georgina were revealed to be accomplices last season and subsequently could not be the title character.
Going back through the series, I've picked five people whom I'm placing my final guesses and predictions. My guesses may be wrong or in some unbelievably lucky way, one of these will (hopefully) be revealed as Gossip Girl. In no particular order:
1. Jenny Humphrey
Chances: Maybe
Chances: Maybe
Little J might be a strange choice to start off the list, being that she is a (former) main character. Her rebellious antics played an ongoing role on Gossip Girl's website, even contributing a few tips, and it did spark a few blog wars between herself and Blair. While today I did mull over the idea of her being the villain, chances are that Jenny isn't Gossip Girl. She abandoned the city in Season 4 during both the Blair and Juliet incidents and then she jetted off to university with Eric. If she were to secretly be the central character, I assume her international schooling might be the reason why Georgina took over the temporary role.
2. Juliet Sharp
Chances: Slim
Chances: Slim
Juliet may have disappeared since her Season 4 recurring appearance; however, she could still be Gossip Girl. Her vengeful nature originated before she interacted with any of the main characters and the mysterious blogger was exceptionally cruel to Serena in high school. Plus, Juliet is set to return to the finale and it could be her character's revelation moment. The one instance which works against the theory is a text message sent to Blair when they asked Gossip Girl to help find Juliet (yep... I did my research). The text didn't directly lead to finding Juliet but it puts a wrench in theory.
3. Nelly Yuki
Chances: Very likely
Chances: Very likely
Never trust a disgruntled former minion. While the final season has brought back many former characters, Nelly Yuki has earned the most screen time. The early seasons saw Nelly as a lowly minion to Blair who was delegated to the bottom of the group before "stealing" Blair's Yale acceptance. She came back as a fashion writer and I realized that we never knew what Nelly studied in school. She could have used the blog as training to develop her writing skills and connections to get a great job right out of school. It sounds like a stretch but Blair's been dealt the worst of Gossip Girl's wrath while Dan (whom Nelly has a crush on) usually gets the least amount of negative posts.
4. Dorota Kishlovsky
Chances: Doubtful
Chances: Doubtful
The only reason Dorota is on this list is because I thought she was Gossip Girl in the first two seasons. Blair, and also Serena, continually receive the most Gossip Girl blasts. Tips from strangers helped to provide the stories but some of the stories had to have been leaked from someone close. Dorota was always lurking around and could have secretly been the elusive blogger. However, my thinking has shifted over the seasons as Dorota has proven to really care about Blair and wouldn't create 95% of the posts Gossip Girl does. I've held on to the theory so far and I can keep it going for one last episode.

5. Kristen Bell
Chances: Are you serious?!
Chances: Are you serious?!
There is no way that Kristen Bell is Gossip Girl. She has an upcoming cameo role in the series finale and has never appeared as a character on the show. I have a running joke with a friend that Kristen will be revealed as Gossip Girl with flashback highlights to explain how she knew everything. She's only on the list because no matter who is revealed tonight, Kristen and her voice-over as the narrator will always be a reminder of Gossip Girl to me.
Do you agree or disagree with my guesses? Sound off in the comments and let me know your Gossip Girl predictions.
Six seasons, more than 100 episodes and too many text blasts to count, Gossip Girl is calling it quits with its series finale tonight at 8 p.m. EST on MuchMusic and The CW. (Make sure to check your local listings)
Not surprisingly, I've followed the show since it's first episode way back when in 2007. The show was once called the "most buzzed-about show on television" and sparked controversy for its use of sex, drugs and the scandalous drama of the teen characters. I didn't find it TOO shocking but I loved the show and the drama that followed.
Gossip Girl has faltered in the last few seasons with underdeveloped storylines and lackluster characters. With the end only a few short hours away, I have a few requests that I'm hoping will (and MUST) be in the finale.
1. Every storyline is finalized (and stays closed)
No more frenemy statuses, no more reemergence of dead enemies, no more flip-flopping choices - let the decisions be final. These characters have gone back and forth with being rivals, friends, lovers and everything in-between. Let the storylines end properly and have the characters stick to their decisions without changing their minds halfway through. Also, at the end of the episode, if the writers choose to include an "in-the-future" montage, I'm hoping that this won't contradict whatever choice they had previously resolved earlier in the episode.
2. Nate is treated like a main character
Nate (arguably) might have the most undervalued and pointless character development throughout the series. His role on the show can be described in less than five words: he dates... a lot! This season has shown him getting into trouble with his business while dating a high school student (that everyone apparently accepts as normal). Whatever happens in the final episode - love, being dumped, jail, cleared of charges or who knows - his send-off shouldn't be a small footnote in the two hour episode; he should be treated with a proper ending compared to the previous characters.
3. Chuck/Blair and Serena/Dan relationships need closure
These on-again-off-again relationships tend to pop up at the most random moments with a break-up or a make-up on the horizon. Whether they end up together or decide to part ways is irrelevant, the closure is what counts. I don't want Chuck's "I'm not a man" excuse or Serena's "I'm moving to L.A." choice but a thoughtful resolution between the couples whether it will work out or not. Though, if one of them is killed off then the decision will be made for them...
4. Georgina gets the last laugh
A part from Gossip Girl, Georgina has been my favourite villain all series. She's calculating, manipulative, hilarious, sarcastic and proud of it! If there was ever an episode where she could take the reigns and cause the most havoc to the Upper East Siders, this episode would be it.
5. The Gossip Girl reveal is a complete surprise (but not random)
Who is Gossip Girl? We'll find out later tonight. However, the identity has been an ongoing mystery for six seasons, with Georgina and Serena temporarily borrowing the title last season. The person needs to be someone I believe would WANT to be Gossip Girl (and has the power/connections to do so). It shouldn't be a complete left field individual, like the doorman or a minor recurring character who casually pops-in, but someone who can put the pieces together and tie the series with a shocking final reveal.
Stranger things do happen and this week's round just proved them.
Two more singers were sent packing and while I completely expected the eliminations, it's still a sore subject when it finally happens. Season underdog Cece Frey was the first to get the boot with the round's lowest votes and perennial second chance Diamond White followed next soon after. Both have reached the bottom of the leaderboard and sooner or later it was bound to be their time. Only two more weeks until the finals and four more acts are left to fight it out. Let's see if it's a real competition to get to the top!
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Diamond White
No last minute save can help Diamond now. After landing in the bottom last week, she placed against Fifth Harmony to sing-off and campaign for the judges' votes - needless to say she lost. She did a good alright with her Pepsi challenge ("it's Diamond singing in a diamond!"); many had pegged her to be the next Whitney Houston. However, her performances were constantly on the safe side and never stood out compared to the other contestants. Eventually all the safe performances add up and the votes weren't enough to save her.
No last minute save can help Diamond now. After landing in the bottom last week, she placed against Fifth Harmony to sing-off and campaign for the judges' votes - needless to say she lost. She did a good alright with her Pepsi challenge ("it's Diamond singing in a diamond!"); many had pegged her to be the next Whitney Houston. However, her performances were constantly on the safe side and never stood out compared to the other contestants. Eventually all the safe performances add up and the votes weren't enough to save her.
Carly Rose Sonenclar
Carly finally lost her first place momentum to Tate. The "I-don't-need-to-vote-because-she's-safe" approach has reared its ugly head yet again and Carly fell one spot. Both her numbers this week were polarizing: I loved her version of the Justin Bieber song while the Beyonce number didn't stand out. She tends to do a lot of ballads and they do pay off but some of the songs that she chooses tend to be a little dull and repetitive. I would love if she tried something new and different.
Carly finally lost her first place momentum to Tate. The "I-don't-need-to-vote-because-she's-safe" approach has reared its ugly head yet again and Carly fell one spot. Both her numbers this week were polarizing: I loved her version of the Justin Bieber song while the Beyonce number didn't stand out. She tends to do a lot of ballads and they do pay off but some of the songs that she chooses tend to be a little dull and repetitive. I would love if she tried something new and different.
YOUNG ADULTS (Mentored by Demi Lovato)
Cece Frey
The rollercoaster has ended and Cece was sent packing. An underdog can only last so long on a show where voting determines the winner. While I did like her on the show, her last performance of "Piece Of Me" didn't impress me and I fully expected her to get voted off. Sad to see her go and it's unfortunate that Demi lost all her contestants. Maybe now that she's eliminated, Cece can reevaluate her career goals, train her voice and come back with a new song.
The rollercoaster has ended and Cece was sent packing. An underdog can only last so long on a show where voting determines the winner. While I did like her on the show, her last performance of "Piece Of Me" didn't impress me and I fully expected her to get voted off. Sad to see her go and it's unfortunate that Demi lost all her contestants. Maybe now that she's eliminated, Cece can reevaluate her career goals, train her voice and come back with a new song.
OVER 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
Tate Stevens
Tate scored the top spot back from Carly this week and I did not see that coming! He's doing well in the competition but it's been very safe and repetitive with the song choices. If it wasn't for his backstory or the fact that he's a country music artist, I don't think he would be a frontrunner. Not my type of thing but oh well... the votes say he could win.
Tate scored the top spot back from Carly this week and I did not see that coming! He's doing well in the competition but it's been very safe and repetitive with the song choices. If it wasn't for his backstory or the fact that he's a country music artist, I don't think he would be a frontrunner. Not my type of thing but oh well... the votes say he could win.
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Fifth Harmony
The leaderboard may change week-to-week but one thing has stayed constant: the top have stayed at the top. Fifth Harmony, whom haven't cracked the Top 3, landed in the bottom half with the lowest votes. The frankengroup had to compete in the sing-off against Diamond White for the votes and luckily, they survived. The girls have a lot to prove and I'm not sure they'll be here come finale night.
The leaderboard may change week-to-week but one thing has stayed constant: the top have stayed at the top. Fifth Harmony, whom haven't cracked the Top 3, landed in the bottom half with the lowest votes. The frankengroup had to compete in the sing-off against Diamond White for the votes and luckily, they survived. The girls have a lot to prove and I'm not sure they'll be here come finale night.
Emblem3 had mixed performances. Their Pepsi challenge was good but the unplugged song... wow, the blonde guy should not sing alone. Many websites had pegged the group to be in risk of elimination but they underestimated the fanbases. The boys held on to the third spot and were safe. My guess is that they'll be in the bottom next week and could face elimination or, if not, will be voted off.
Emblem3 had mixed performances. Their Pepsi challenge was good but the unplugged song... wow, the blonde guy should not sing alone. Many websites had pegged the group to be in risk of elimination but they underestimated the fanbases. The boys held on to the third spot and were safe. My guess is that they'll be in the bottom next week and could face elimination or, if not, will be voted off.
Are you sad to see Cece and Diamond gone? Post in the comments and let me know what you thought of this week's round.
The countdown is on for the end of 2012. Can you believe that the year has gone by so fast? With only 31 days left until the end of the year, there are too many things that must be done. Holidays, shopping, food, exams, campaigns, New Years, making plans, resolutions and so much more.
I've got a few things planned. Some for my real life and some for this site. Stay tuned for more posts coming your way to mark the end of 2012. Hopefully December is the perfect month to transition and get everyone excited for 2013!
On Wednesday, X Factor USA premiered a small snippet of judge Britney Spears' new music video collaboration with Black Eyed Peas frontman, The new track was surprisingly really catchy and I thought it would be great to share the full music video with you all. A special note which I have to clear up is that this is not Britney's music video, it's Will.I.Am's video - she is only featured. (A lot of people don't make the clarification)
If anyone had asked me if these six contestants would be the ones this far in the game, I probably wouldn't have guessed right. A few... yes. Next week is the Pepsi Challenge where the viewers will vote which songs the contestants sing. Twitter (and it's awesome power of spoilers) has revealed which numbers were chosen and I'm quite impressed. With only three more episodes left in the season, I'm pretty much guessing next Wednesday will be ANOTHER double elimination, followed by single and then the final three.
Until then, here are my thoughts on this week's performers:
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Diamond White
Diamond being in the bottom two wasn't a big surprise. She's played the safe route and when she tried to do an "upbeat" song, it still had a balled overtone. Being in the bottom could get her sympathy from voters. However, with an expected double elimination next week, she'll need to fight harder to rise in the rankings.
Diamond being in the bottom two wasn't a big surprise. She's played the safe route and when she tried to do an "upbeat" song, it still had a balled overtone. Being in the bottom could get her sympathy from voters. However, with an expected double elimination next week, she'll need to fight harder to rise in the rankings.
Carly Rose Sonanclar
Carly is holding on to her first place position. Though, my only concern is that fans shouldn't take this as an "I-don't-need-to-vote-because-she's-safe" approach. That's how people get voted off.
Carly is holding on to her first place position. Though, my only concern is that fans shouldn't take this as an "I-don't-need-to-vote-because-she's-safe" approach. That's how people get voted off.
YOUNG ADULTS (Mentored by Demi Lovato)
Paige Thomas
Paige had the lowest votes and she was sent home first last night. I'm surprised because this was her best number to date and she did rise on the leaderboard. Maybe the fans just gave up on her? Oh well, she's got bitter... oh, um.. bigger and better things to do. Thank you Freudian slips!
Paige had the lowest votes and she was sent home first last night. I'm surprised because this was her best number to date and she did rise on the leaderboard. Maybe the fans just gave up on her? Oh well, she's got bitter... oh, um.. bigger and better things to do. Thank you Freudian slips!
Cece Frey
Cece has made the Top 6 and the expression on the judges' faces said it all, especially Britney. I'm glad she stayed because I like Cece and I'd love to see what next week's number will be. Could she win the show? No. She most likely will be the next to go but I like that she's fighting to compete and prove people wrong.
Cece has made the Top 6 and the expression on the judges' faces said it all, especially Britney. I'm glad she stayed because I like Cece and I'd love to see what next week's number will be. Could she win the show? No. She most likely will be the next to go but I like that she's fighting to compete and prove people wrong.
OVER 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
Vino Alan
Wow... it actually happened. Going into the elimination episode, I did not expect Vino to be in the bottom, let alone voted out. Vino didn't get voted out because Diamond performed better during the Sing-Off: this was the only chance to get rid of him. Vino had third place for three weeks in a row and now he fell to the bottom. Voting him off was a chance the judges couldn't resist to get one of their other acts to the finals. Smart move! Don't forget... the judges are playing their own game too.
Wow... it actually happened. Going into the elimination episode, I did not expect Vino to be in the bottom, let alone voted out. Vino didn't get voted out because Diamond performed better during the Sing-Off: this was the only chance to get rid of him. Vino had third place for three weeks in a row and now he fell to the bottom. Voting him off was a chance the judges couldn't resist to get one of their other acts to the finals. Smart move! Don't forget... the judges are playing their own game too.
Tate Stevens
Tate held onto his second place spot and is clawing his way back to the top. I'm liking Tate on the show but I'm finding him very... dull. I understand he loves his wife and he is the country music star this season. What more else is there?
Tate held onto his second place spot and is clawing his way back to the top. I'm liking Tate on the show but I'm finding him very... dull. I understand he loves his wife and he is the country music star this season. What more else is there?
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Fifth Harmony
Fifth Harmony was trending on Twitter after Wednesday's episode. Sure, the other contestants have trended too but '#voteFifthHarmony' was different. Not shocking then is that they survived the vote. Popular song + social media push + touching pre-performance segment = safe week.
Fifth Harmony was trending on Twitter after Wednesday's episode. Sure, the other contestants have trended too but '#voteFifthHarmony' was different. Not shocking then is that they survived the vote. Popular song + social media push + touching pre-performance segment = safe week.
Emblem3 stole the third spot away from Vino... and the audience was loving it! The group is doing great on the show and they're appealing to the female vote. However, they say they play instruments and might perform with them during the next number. I would love to see that next week because it would differentiate them from the other boy-bands around the world. My guess is that they'll be in the top half next week and survive.
Emblem3 stole the third spot away from Vino... and the audience was loving it! The group is doing great on the show and they're appealing to the female vote. However, they say they play instruments and might perform with them during the next number. I would love to see that next week because it would differentiate them from the other boy-bands around the world. My guess is that they'll be in the top half next week and survive.
Were you shocked at who went home this week? Post in the comments below and let me
know what you think will happen in the remaining weeks.
These eliminations continually shock me.
Usually for singing competition shows, the elimination episodes follows a typical format where viewers can expect which contestant will be voted off. However, I've been consistently surprised at the cuts. The instant-elimination at the beginning of the results show is never whom I expect it to be. This week, two of the teens were sent packing and while I'm not shocked to see them go, the entire episode was surprising.
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Arin Ray
Oh Arin, you never really found your place. This was his second time on the show but viewers apparently didn't like him enough to save him from the bottom pack. He tried to stand out and be something that he wasn't with the sappy love songs. Though, his obviously "edited" relationship and this week's strange song choice were the final nails in the coffin for his ouster.
Oh Arin, you never really found your place. This was his second time on the show but viewers apparently didn't like him enough to save him from the bottom pack. He tried to stand out and be something that he wasn't with the sappy love songs. Though, his obviously "edited" relationship and this week's strange song choice were the final nails in the coffin for his ouster.
Diamond White
Another ballad for Diamond. I like Diamond but the problem is that she's performing very safe songs and not taking any risks. Once contestants reach the Top 10, they need to stand out to get up the ladder. She'll do fine but needs to change things up.
Another ballad for Diamond. I like Diamond but the problem is that she's performing very safe songs and not taking any risks. Once contestants reach the Top 10, they need to stand out to get up the ladder. She'll do fine but needs to change things up.
Beatrice Miller
Beatrice did not take her elimination well. First she lost her voice, then ended up in the bottom two before being voted off by the judges. It's sad to see a child cry and that's the point - she's a child. She can cry on stage if she wants.
Beatrice did not take her elimination well. First she lost her voice, then ended up in the bottom two before being voted off by the judges. It's sad to see a child cry and that's the point - she's a child. She can cry on stage if she wants.
Carly Rose Sonenclar
Carly finally reached first place. Her performance was amazing and I don't need to spend time talking about it. We'll see you at the finals Carly.
Carly finally reached first place. Her performance was amazing and I don't need to spend time talking about it. We'll see you at the finals Carly.
YOUNG ADULTS (Mentored by Demi Lovato) Paige Thomas
Paige's performance was mixed. Sad songs and ballads don't have the same impact without the emotion behind them. Lucky for her that she rose in the rankings to survive the bottom. I don't think she would have survived the judges' vote if thins didn't go her way.
Cece Frey
Bottom two for Cece this round. Her momentum from last week didn't continue and she fell down the leaderboard. Though, the strangest thing is that the judges voted to keep her in. I expected them to vote her out based on their comments. I never know what to expect come Thursday night.
Bottom two for Cece this round. Her momentum from last week didn't continue and she fell down the leaderboard. Though, the strangest thing is that the judges voted to keep her in. I expected them to vote her out based on their comments. I never know what to expect come Thursday night.
Over 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
Vino Alan
Ugh... Vino... I don't know. He has talent, I'll give you that, but his song choices make me question how he'll be post-show. My expectations are low while fans obviously love him to keep him third once again.
Ugh... Vino... I don't know. He has talent, I'll give you that, but his song choices make me question how he'll be post-show. My expectations are low while fans obviously love him to keep him third once again.
Tate Stevens
Tate slipped to second place this week. I'm starting to like Tate for the sheer fact that he is a genuinely nice guy. His performances are getting better and I'm pretty much guessing that he'll be in the finals as well.
Tate slipped to second place this week. I'm starting to like Tate for the sheer fact that he is a genuinely nice guy. His performances are getting better and I'm pretty much guessing that he'll be in the finals as well.
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Fifth Harmony
Fifth Harmony's song choice was a little questionable. They've taken the safe route like Diamond and it's starting to show in the rankings. They need to step it up and win back the buzz they accumulated from the judges' house episode. Fans need a reason to vote and being just average isn't enough.
Fifth Harmony's song choice was a little questionable. They've taken the safe route like Diamond and it's starting to show in the rankings. They need to step it up and win back the buzz they accumulated from the judges' house episode. Fans need a reason to vote and being just average isn't enough.
Emblem3 is quickly rising up the ranks. Girls are voting in groups to help them out and I wouldn't be surprised to see them take third place next week. At this point the group is most likely a sure bet to survive and earn the "wildcard" third spot for the finals.
Emblem3 is quickly rising up the ranks. Girls are voting in groups to help them out and I wouldn't be surprised to see them take third place next week. At this point the group is most likely a sure bet to survive and earn the "wildcard" third spot for the finals.
What did you
think of the Top 10? Post in the comments below and let me
know about which performer you think will be sent packing next.
Popular movie series must always come to an end. Last year it was Harry Potter and now this year it's the vampire/werewolf flick Twilight. Originally I had laughed at the idea of watching the finale but my friend's talked me into it and I've already seen the previous installments. Today's post will be the final part of the international phenomenon: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2.
The Premise: Continuing after the events of the last movie, Bella (Kristen Stewart) has transformed into a vampire after giving birth to Edward's (Robert Pattinson) child. When the Volturi (the world's most powerful vampire family) discovers the Cullen's secret, Alice (Ashley Greene) foresees them traveling to destroy the Cullens once-and-for-all. The film sets the stage for an intense conclusion and a shocking twist.
The Results: 3/5!
Breaking Dawn Part 2 was an emotional end to the story. I'm honestly not the biggest Twilight fan but watching the final credits, it felt so touching and nostalgic. Final series ending always get me the most. Overall it was a good movie but not the best. However, I really liked the twist at the end and by the sounds of the theatre audience, they did too. No spoilers if you haven't watched the movie but you will enjoy the surprise.
The Premise: Continuing after the events of the last movie, Bella (Kristen Stewart) has transformed into a vampire after giving birth to Edward's (Robert Pattinson) child. When the Volturi (the world's most powerful vampire family) discovers the Cullen's secret, Alice (Ashley Greene) foresees them traveling to destroy the Cullens once-and-for-all. The film sets the stage for an intense conclusion and a shocking twist.
The Results: 3/5!
Breaking Dawn Part 2 was an emotional end to the story. I'm honestly not the biggest Twilight fan but watching the final credits, it felt so touching and nostalgic. Final series ending always get me the most. Overall it was a good movie but not the best. However, I really liked the twist at the end and by the sounds of the theatre audience, they did too. No spoilers if you haven't watched the movie but you will enjoy the surprise.
Two more acts have bit the dust.
It's been two weeks since the last post and I'm sorry for not writing one last episode. To recap last week: Diamond White returned for the teens and Jason Brock was eliminated from the Over 25s. I expected him to be the one leaving so it wasn't a sad week. The episodes have already aired and two competitors were sent packing. First, hip hop group Lyric 145 was eliminated early in the episode based on viewer votes and then 18 year old Jennel Garcia by a judges' vote of 3-1.
Let me just say: this week was shocking! I went in thinking these two acts would survive but when I heard Lyric 145's name, I completely threw out any predictions. Since the week is over, I'll share my thoughts about the singers.
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Arin Ray
I had originally guessed Arin would be in the bottom (and he was close). Revealing the rankings helped to garner him more voters but based on his last performance, eventually he will be eliminated. I don't foresee him lasting long in the competition, maybe even being in the bottom next episode.
I had originally guessed Arin would be in the bottom (and he was close). Revealing the rankings helped to garner him more voters but based on his last performance, eventually he will be eliminated. I don't foresee him lasting long in the competition, maybe even being in the bottom next episode.
Diamond White
She's lucky for getting invited back - not many people get the opportunity. Her performance was good and even with slipping in the rankings, she'll do well next week and in the next few rounds.
She's lucky for getting invited back - not many people get the opportunity. Her performance was good and even with slipping in the rankings, she'll do well next week and in the next few rounds.
Beatrice Miller
Beatrice has a lot to prove. Same as Arin, revealing the rankings helped her move up but she's still in the bottom half. Unless she stands out more, either her or Arin (maybe both) could be in the bottom.
Beatrice has a lot to prove. Same as Arin, revealing the rankings helped her move up but she's still in the bottom half. Unless she stands out more, either her or Arin (maybe both) could be in the bottom.
Carly Rose Sonenclar
Carly has earned second place two weeks in a row. Her songs are getting better and better, with no complaints. Her only challenge is trying to take the top spot and by the looks of it, she's on a one-way express trip to the finals.
Carly has earned second place two weeks in a row. Her songs are getting better and better, with no complaints. Her only challenge is trying to take the top spot and by the looks of it, she's on a one-way express trip to the finals.
YOUNG ADULTS (Mentored by Demi Lovato)
Paige Thomas
Paige's performance wasn't great but I didn't expect her in the bottom. This may be due to the surprise rise of several weaker contestants from last week. Her vocals need some work and she could be in danger unless things turn around.
Paige's performance wasn't great but I didn't expect her in the bottom. This may be due to the surprise rise of several weaker contestants from last week. Her vocals need some work and she could be in danger unless things turn around.
Jennel Garcia
Oh Jennel, it's sad to see you go. Not many thought she would be in the bottom. She changed so much since her first performance and it definitely worked against her in the end.
Oh Jennel, it's sad to see you go. Not many thought she would be in the bottom. She changed so much since her first performance and it definitely worked against her in the end.
Cece Frey
Biggest surprise of the night! Cece didn't just survive the low vote elimination but she earned the fifth highest spot overall. It's no secret she's one of the few I'm rooting for and that it's obvious her rise impacted her team's standings. I don't know how far the voting campaign will help but her fans got her into the Top 10 (which is a hard task in singing shows).
Biggest surprise of the night! Cece didn't just survive the low vote elimination but she earned the fifth highest spot overall. It's no secret she's one of the few I'm rooting for and that it's obvious her rise impacted her team's standings. I don't know how far the voting campaign will help but her fans got her into the Top 10 (which is a hard task in singing shows).
OVER 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
Vino Alan
Fine... I'll say it: sorry Vino. I misjudged and thought he would be going home first, but his fans apparently really love him enough to place him in the third spot for two weeks in a row. He's still not one of my favourites and I'm not quite sure if he could pull a win at this time.
Fine... I'll say it: sorry Vino. I misjudged and thought he would be going home first, but his fans apparently really love him enough to place him in the third spot for two weeks in a row. He's still not one of my favourites and I'm not quite sure if he could pull a win at this time.
Tate Stevens
First place for two weeks in a row. Being the only country music artist left in the show is really helping him secure votes and keep the top spot. Eventually he may slip one week and lose the top spot. However, so far it's looking like a sure bet he will be in the finals.
First place for two weeks in a row. Being the only country music artist left in the show is really helping him secure votes and keep the top spot. Eventually he may slip one week and lose the top spot. However, so far it's looking like a sure bet he will be in the finals.
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Did not expect this sudden elimination at all. Sure, their mash-up was terrible - the song choices made no sense. Though, I assumed they'd have enough votes to land for the judges' vote. They're the only pre-Top 10 act that could find some success post-show.
Did not expect this sudden elimination at all. Sure, their mash-up was terrible - the song choices made no sense. Though, I assumed they'd have enough votes to land for the judges' vote. They're the only pre-Top 10 act that could find some success post-show.
Fifth Harmony
This X Factor created group is starting to find its place. They're still one of the buzzed about performers and could make it farther down the line. However, I want to see more from their performances and for them to stand out to earn a top spot.
This X Factor created group is starting to find its place. They're still one of the buzzed about performers and could make it farther down the line. However, I want to see more from their performances and for them to stand out to earn a top spot.
Simon is putting a lot of bank in this group. He pushed voters to vote and they got into the top fourth spot. These guys won't be eliminated anytime soon but there will come a point where they could land in the bottom. Though, they're fan favourites and could make a splash.
Simon is putting a lot of bank in this group. He pushed voters to vote and they got into the top fourth spot. These guys won't be eliminated anytime soon but there will come a point where they could land in the bottom. Though, they're fan favourites and could make a splash.
What did you think of the double eliminations? Post in the comments below and let me know about which performer you think will end up in the bottom next episode.
Sad news but not unexpected.
What many have suspected for the last few weeks, CBS and ABC have dealt the axe to a few of their struggling primetime programs. Over at CBS, half-hour comedy Partners was finally let go after experiencing dwindling ratings for its current six episodes. The comedy starring Michael Urie and David Krumholtz was assumed to be cancelled early on in the season but was surprisingly kept on air even with lackluster ratings.
The somewhat surprising cancellation news comes from ABC, which decided to cancel both 666 Park Avenue and Last Resort even though many assumed one would make the cut. While both shows delivered less than desired ratings, ABC had originally ordered two extra scripts for each drama - a sign that normally shows a vote confidence from the network. The bright side for the supernatural drama and the military drama is that, unlike for Partners, the network will continue to air new episodes and run the entire 13-episode season for each series.
No decision yet has been made about which programs will replace the freshman shows for a midseason run.
Are you shocked about the three cancelled shows? Sound off in the comments below and let me know how you feel about these shows not returning.
Cycle 19 has finally found its winner.
After weeks of catwalks, casting calls, commercials and photoshoots, the viewers and judges have spoken. America's Next Top Model season frontrunner Laura James won in a very close final judging against Kiara Belen and Leila Goldkuhl (second and third place respectively).
Before final judging, each girl participated in a photoshoot for Nylon Magazine and their potential advertisement photoshoot for Nine West. Also, the final episode included the formulaic runway that featured the return of past eliminated contestants. Not much was very surprising about the last episode, except for maybe Leila falling twice at the final runway.
Congrats to Laura for winning. As the newest America's Next Top Model, she'll get a modeling contract with LA Models & NY Model Management, a spread in Nylon magazine, campaigns with both Nine West and Smashbox Comestics, and $100,000 (including $30,000 from challenge wins) cash prize. Plus, Laura will be the face of ANTM's perfume, "Dream Come True".
In renewal news, Top Model will be back for Cycle 20. The new season will feature male models competing alongside female models for the title.
Did your favourite make it to the finale? Sound off in the comments and let me know what you thought about the season.
This sequel has been in the works for years. Many reports on IMDB and movie websites stated that a film was potentially approved in the past but yet, a sequel came out in 2012. Obviously... I had to check it out. Today's post will be a mini review for the film adaptation of the survival horror game series: Silent Hill: Revelation 3D.
The Premise: Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) is a shy and mysterious teenage girl who has been in hiding for years with her father Harry Mason (Sean Bean). In reality, Heather is Sharon DaSilva, a protagonist from the first film who went missing in Silent Hill with her mother when she was a little girl. When her father is abducted, Heather and her new friend Vincent (Kit Harrington) must travel back to Silent Hill to save her father and defeat a mysterious cult that plans to use Heather to revive the soul of an ancient evil, Alessa.
The Results: 1.5/5!
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D was not that great. The plot was weak, the dialogue was minimal, and it felt like nothing really was taken away after watching the movie. I loved the first Silent Hill and naturally I would be excited to see the sequel, especially since the plot was based on Silent Hill 3 (the third video game and one of my favourites). This sequel let me down a bit with my expectations. Unlike the Resident Evil series, I feel that this will be the last film.
I love a good video game. Arcades, fighters, shooters, adventures, survival horror and so on. It's something I grew up with as a kid and even now I still play on a (weekend) basis. Naturally when a movie about video game characters was going to be released, I needed to watch it. My workplace was doing a program for the movie before the launch but I caught the film on its release with my friend Kathleen. The film is the 3D video game adventure: Wreck-It Ralph.
Even though I have already watched Wreck-It Ralph and could write a movie review, the trailer is just too adorable that it has to be shared. Seeing some of my favourite characters make cameo appearances made the film extra special, especially with a nod to long forgotten games. This is a new trailer and feel free to check it out below to see for yourself.
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(Photo courtesy of FOX and The X Factor USA) |
Can I just start off by saying: I'm really loving this season!
It's no secret that I'm a huge TV buff and a reality TV junkie. Hey, I've watched every season of Survivor when it aired live. Live shows of "talent competitions" are usually when I start to teeter off but I'll try to watch live. If I happen to miss an episode, I'll catch the videos uploaded on the YouTube page. These posts will share my thoughts and who I think will be eliminated. (More likely it's whom I want to stay or be eliminated.)
TEENS (Mentored by Britney Spears)
Arin Ray
This is his second time (last season, he performed in the Groups) and I was expecting more. It may have been the choice of song ("You Keep Me Hanging On") or the fact that he was trying to shed his "kid" image for a more adult role like Usher or Chris Brown. If he survives this round, he'll do well enough in the competition.
This is his second time (last season, he performed in the Groups) and I was expecting more. It may have been the choice of song ("You Keep Me Hanging On") or the fact that he was trying to shed his "kid" image for a more adult role like Usher or Chris Brown. If he survives this round, he'll do well enough in the competition.
Diamond White
She's the one to rival Carly Rose. Her performance of "Hey, Soul Sister" was a good number and will get her past this week in the competition. She has the backstory to tug at the viewers' heartstrings to vote for her and let's face it, Britney Spears does like her. Though, she was nervous and the longer she stays on the show, she could develop to a real competitor.
She's the one to rival Carly Rose. Her performance of "Hey, Soul Sister" was a good number and will get her past this week in the competition. She has the backstory to tug at the viewers' heartstrings to vote for her and let's face it, Britney Spears does like her. Though, she was nervous and the longer she stays on the show, she could develop to a real competitor.
Beatrice Miller
Unfortunately for Beatrice, she got the short end of the straw. Everyone else got upbeat or powerful songs and she received the only slow ballad. It wasn't a performance that would make me vote for her (even if I could). She's my choice for being in the bottom group this week to sing for her life. If she does stay, her biggest challenge is to find her image and differentiate herself from the more buzzworthy contestants.
Unfortunately for Beatrice, she got the short end of the straw. Everyone else got upbeat or powerful songs and she received the only slow ballad. It wasn't a performance that would make me vote for her (even if I could). She's my choice for being in the bottom group this week to sing for her life. If she does stay, her biggest challenge is to find her image and differentiate herself from the more buzzworthy contestants.
Carly Rose Sonenclar
She's already the top choice to win this season and will obviously make it through this early round. My recommendation for her is to be more confident, have fun and try not to lose the spark that has pulled viewers to follow her. Breaking out on YouTube can help propel someone to win this show... just ask Melanie Amaro.
She's already the top choice to win this season and will obviously make it through this early round. My recommendation for her is to be more confident, have fun and try not to lose the spark that has pulled viewers to follow her. Breaking out on YouTube can help propel someone to win this show... just ask Melanie Amaro.
YOUNG ADULTS (Mentored by Demi Lovato)
Paige Thomas
Contrary to L.A. Reid, Paige's song of "What Is Love" was (and still is) a well known popular dance track. Her performance, on the other hand, didn't do her much justice. Do I think she'll make it through this round? Yes... absolutely. Demi Lovato loves Paige and the dance number is memorable. Rhianna seems to be the inspiration for her new look and she will most likely do well in the competition. I'd be shocked if she is sent home.
Contrary to L.A. Reid, Paige's song of "What Is Love" was (and still is) a well known popular dance track. Her performance, on the other hand, didn't do her much justice. Do I think she'll make it through this round? Yes... absolutely. Demi Lovato loves Paige and the dance number is memorable. Rhianna seems to be the inspiration for her new look and she will most likely do well in the competition. I'd be shocked if she is sent home.
Jennel Garcia
Jennel has this fire in her. Whenever she gets on stage, especially for her performance of "Home Sweet Home", she comes alive. However, her personality can be a tad boring. Jennel could be the most likely candidate to survive because the judges really did like her act. If she stays, she should channel strong female performers and surprise the viewers with her ability.
Cece Frey
I like Cece! Haters can hate but let's accept it... she's honest about wanting to be a pop star and fighting to win. While her performance was less to be desired and her signing needed some serious work, there is potential for growth. Will she be in the bottom? Absolutely! It's quite obvious Demi is VERY critical on her. I'd love if Cece stayed and continued to be the pop star.
I like Cece! Haters can hate but let's accept it... she's honest about wanting to be a pop star and fighting to win. While her performance was less to be desired and her signing needed some serious work, there is potential for growth. Will she be in the bottom? Absolutely! It's quite obvious Demi is VERY critical on her. I'd love if Cece stayed and continued to be the pop star.
Willie Jones
I'm not a fan. He hasn't proved to me that he can win this competition or has the staying power to be a successful artist. Willie has a novelty factor for being a music blend and may survive some very early rounds, if he stayed. My choice would be for him to be in the bottom against Cece so that they can prove why they should stay.
I'm not a fan. He hasn't proved to me that he can win this competition or has the staying power to be a successful artist. Willie has a novelty factor for being a music blend and may survive some very early rounds, if he stayed. My choice would be for him to be in the bottom against Cece so that they can prove why they should stay.
OVER 25 (Mentored by L.A. Reid)
David Correy
Blogs and articles before the live show guessed that David would be the first to leave. After watching the episode... I'm mixed. He's got the backstory and the image but he didn't stand out. His movements on stage were a tad erratic and he tried to get the audience involved, which is always a little desperate. I feel like he will be in the bottom group tonight and will fight for his life
Blogs and articles before the live show guessed that David would be the first to leave. After watching the episode... I'm mixed. He's got the backstory and the image but he didn't stand out. His movements on stage were a tad erratic and he tried to get the audience involved, which is always a little desperate. I feel like he will be in the bottom group tonight and will fight for his life
Vino Alan
My guess: Vino is going home. He's different, sure, but will he won? No. His number was lackluster and didn't fit where he wanted to develop as an artist. My problem with the Overs this year is that there is no real winner.
My guess: Vino is going home. He's different, sure, but will he won? No. His number was lackluster and didn't fit where he wanted to develop as an artist. My problem with the Overs this year is that there is no real winner.
Tate Stevens
The country performer this season. He's my top choice for surviving and doing well in the competition. Country music always helps in shows like these and he will develop a fan base. The bigger question is whether it will help him win?
The country performer this season. He's my top choice for surviving and doing well in the competition. Country music always helps in shows like these and he will develop a fan base. The bigger question is whether it will help him win?
Jason Brock
He's fun but a tad gimmicky. His performance of "Dance Again" was too karoake and kitchy that divided the judges. It's between him and David for the other spot in the bottom. The dance performances stand out but his place is very uncertain.
He's fun but a tad gimmicky. His performance of "Dance Again" was too karoake and kitchy that divided the judges. It's between him and David for the other spot in the bottom. The dance performances stand out but his place is very uncertain.
GROUPS (Mentored by Simon Cowell)
Sister C
They're sisters who have performed together for years. Judging from online reaction, fans are on the fence (more negatively though). Sister C will be in the bottom and could be the obvious choice to go home. Their song was a number they've already done - it could stem from the fact that Simon is unfamiliar with country music.
They're sisters who have performed together for years. Judging from online reaction, fans are on the fence (more negatively though). Sister C will be in the bottom and could be the obvious choice to go home. Their song was a number they've already done - it could stem from the fact that Simon is unfamiliar with country music.
The hip hop mash-up! LYRIC 145 is a creation from duo 145 and eliminated solo contest Lyric. During the Judges' House round, we saw how incredible this new group was together and they did not disappoint during the live show. Simon would be foolish to eliminate them or place them in the bottom.
The hip hop mash-up! LYRIC 145 is a creation from duo 145 and eliminated solo contest Lyric. During the Judges' House round, we saw how incredible this new group was together and they did not disappoint during the live show. Simon would be foolish to eliminate them or place them in the bottom.
Formerly LYLAS (changed for legal reasons, apparently). 1432 is a combination of five eliminated girls put together at Boot Camp. Simon took a chance on them and I'm hoping he does again. They performed good together and could be a force to be reckon with. My guess is 1432 will be in the bottom but will survive.
Formerly LYLAS (changed for legal reasons, apparently). 1432 is a combination of five eliminated girls put together at Boot Camp. Simon took a chance on them and I'm hoping he does again. They performed good together and could be a force to be reckon with. My guess is 1432 will be in the bottom but will survive.
The party boys will be fan favourites (at least for a while). Girls are going to love them as they move through the competition. A real challenge for them will be performing slow songs and ballads. I'd be shocked if Simon decided to send them home.
The party boys will be fan favourites (at least for a while). Girls are going to love them as they move through the competition. A real challenge for them will be performing slow songs and ballads. I'd be shocked if Simon decided to send them home.
What did you think of the first performances? Sound off in the comments and let me know who you want to stay.