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Balance is Key, Be Stress Free

By  Justin Carreiro     8:41 AM    Labels:,,,,,,,, 
I don't really have to say this because it is a pretty obvious fact: time management is important. Nobody likes to be stressed or have too much on their plate that they fall like a house of cards...or a very unstable tower of Jenga. When a teenager starts to shift into adult mood and prioritize what they WANT to do and what they NEED to do, then that shows the sign of growth.

It's a fun game but you don't ever want it crashing down!

On some days I want to take a breather, sit at home with my dog and play a game or watch a movie, but there are always responsibilites that need to be completed which I kinda love to do like volunteering and work. Never forget that besides the professional side of you that you have a personal side as well. When you have a break, go out and see a movie with friends, take some time to volunteer with a project you love, walk on a park, do a hobby...or do nothing if thats what you feel like doing.

Its like yin and yang

Having too much stress can cause health problems and can be problemenative in the future. If you ever feel overworked or overstress then take at least 10-15 minutes at a time, sit down, close your eyes, breathe and visualize a calm place. Only you can manage you stress and once you do, then you will be a happier person about it and can actually improve your management skills since you learned to manage stress naturally.

About Justin Carreiro

Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.

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