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2012 MuchMusic Video Awards

By  Justin Carreiro     8:39 AM    Labels:,,,, 
Once a year in downtown Toronto, the MuchMusic Video Awards (MMVAs) takes over the busy streets and hosts the awards show at the infamous MuchMusic building. This was the first year that I got to attend and let me just say, it will be an experience I will always remember.

The two hour live show was incredible but the entire 13 hour experience was something I never expected. My friend Tara and I spent hours waiting in line with hundreds of teenagers/young adults on the Richmond sidewalk. For those who can't picture it, the day was hot (as in humid), it almost rained three times, there was trash everywhere, people were shoving and your body does hurt after spending hours sitting on the concrete sidewalk.

Even with everything, the entire day was incredible. I've never done a music festival or show like this before and it will be something I will never forget.

About Justin Carreiro

Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.

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