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Big Brother 14: Final Three

By  Justin Carreiro     7:28 PM    Labels:,,,,, 

The season is over and a winner is crowned. Three months have just flown by and with the exception of maybe one rare week, Big Brother 14 was an eventful season. Whether you liked the blindsides or the mist, the final three performed well for a Big Brother season. In a landslide final vote, 21 year old engineering student Ian Terry defeated 28 year old Catholic school teacher Dan Gheesling by a vote of 6-1. Rounding out the finals is Danielle Murphree who was evicted in third place.

Instead of the usual posts, I'll critique the final three and their performance from the whole season. Let's start from jury and work my way up...

Danielle (Third Place)
Emotional gameplay at its finest. Danielle crumbled underneath the pressure and she fell for every lie that was thrown at her. I'm not sure if winning the game was on her agenda compared to finding a boyfriend. The men dominated this season in challenges and only Danielle was the one who proved to play somewhat on the same level playing field. For the choices that she made, Danielle would have never won the final vote. Many considered her to by the sidekick who followed Dan and proving otherwise would be an uphill battle. Though, I give credit to where credit's due. Her name was thrown around MANY times for eviction, she was an early personality target and nearly the last person evicted on Dan's team. She learned how to play the game well and I wish she played it without Dan at one point. Then we really could have seen if she could sink or swim.

Dan (Second Place)
The strategic mastermind could arguably be the best player this season. He started on a rough patch with Jody and Kara being evicted back-to-back and nearly was eliminated himself when Danielle almost was voted off. Once he joined as a houseguest, Dan became a new man and started creating alliances and breaking them with ease. Many of the key power moves made this year were by Dan and he will go down as one of the best players. Unfortunately for him, he lost in the final vote and it's partially due to his attitude. Dan in season 10 was MUCH more likeable than this Dan. He never had to get his hands bloodied last time around but now his ego this time rubbed the other houseguests the wrong way. It proved his undoing because a personal jury is an angry jury.

Ian (Winner)
The not-so-shocking winner of Big Brother 14. He came for the experience but he's leaving with half a million dollars. Ian's gameplay wasn't showcased like some of the bigger veterans, he performed as well as one of the big power players and made big moves. He had social, strategic and a physical game that proved to win over the jury. Most times when the finale comes down to two people, there's one clear standout but both Ian and Dan proved they deserved the title.

About Justin Carreiro

Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.

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