When is too comfortable not the right fit?
The young Ms. Bradshaw and crew were put to the test as their relationships crashed and burned on The Carrie Diaries. Some excelled with taking risks for the future while some couldn't live without staying in the comfort zone.
This week on The Carrie Diaries, Carrie tackles her first topic of writing sex, Maggie finds a friend in Sebastian, Larissa bonds with Samantha, and Walt sets a brave face for Bennett.
Weaver, the young writer and Carrie's current beau, is the lucky man to earn her heart and V-card in the last episode. Even though the couple are enjoying their new found bliss, Carrie is still pretty new to talking about sex in public or to her friends. An essay at the New School - Carrie's writing program - offers Carrie a chance to explore a topic that would take her out of her comfort zone: sex. She's ready to start but Weaver isn't as agreeable; he tries to talk her out of the story idea and focus on something safer. Carrie may not be fully ready to discuss sex now but the future sex columnist isn't ready to throw in the towel yet and writes the story regardless.
I never had a problem with Weaver. He seemed like a good match for Carrie; a more stable boyfriend than Sebastian and definitely more likeable than George. His decision to read Carrie's diary was a bad move and I was unsure if the couple would survive after that. They've called it quits for now and it may be for the best but I wouldn't expect them to be a part for much longer. The boy who took Carrie Bradshaw's virginity won't disappear that easily.
Maggie is the victim of the teen drama trope. A night of passion has left her pregnant and alone while carrying the child of her secret affair. She reaches out to the father but is spurned to fend off the responsibility alone. With nowhere left to turn, Maggie seeks Sebastian's comfort - first by coming onto him (only to be rejected) and then by explaining the situation of being pregnant. Maggie has a friend in Sebastian but how long does Maggie have until she has to make a decision: keep the baby, adoption or an aboration?
Walt and Bennett are the perfect romance on The Carrie Diaries. I love their interactions and Walt's personal story of overcoming his fears to be with the guy he loves. For this episode Bennett moves into a new apartment in a scary neighbourhood as Stanford, Bennett's roommate and Carrie's future BFF, has decided to live the year in Ibiza. Walt, while scared at first, overcomes his fears and sprays himself with mace in the process.
The two queens of sexual drama come to a head when their desires intersect. To celebrate Larissa's one-year anniversary with Harlan, she engages in a threesome with Samantha. Unfortunately, Harlan isn't able to make the meeting but the two girls don't waste the opportunity, they succumb to the pleasure and film the experience for Harlan's future enjoyment.
Mouse possibly had the most frustrating plotline this week. She refused to apply to a back-up school and focus solely on her dreams at Harvard before realizing that having a safety school was the best advice. We've all had that friend who's safety school was our top choice. Ugh! Really Mouse?!
Was it too soon to get rid of Weaver? Will Samantha and Larissa connect again? How will Maggie cope with her new predicament? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Maggie is the victim of the teen drama trope. A night of passion has left her pregnant and alone while carrying the child of her secret affair. She reaches out to the father but is spurned to fend off the responsibility alone. With nowhere left to turn, Maggie seeks Sebastian's comfort - first by coming onto him (only to be rejected) and then by explaining the situation of being pregnant. Maggie has a friend in Sebastian but how long does Maggie have until she has to make a decision: keep the baby, adoption or an aboration?
Walt and Bennett are the perfect romance on The Carrie Diaries. I love their interactions and Walt's personal story of overcoming his fears to be with the guy he loves. For this episode Bennett moves into a new apartment in a scary neighbourhood as Stanford, Bennett's roommate and Carrie's future BFF, has decided to live the year in Ibiza. Walt, while scared at first, overcomes his fears and sprays himself with mace in the process.

The two queens of sexual drama come to a head when their desires intersect. To celebrate Larissa's one-year anniversary with Harlan, she engages in a threesome with Samantha. Unfortunately, Harlan isn't able to make the meeting but the two girls don't waste the opportunity, they succumb to the pleasure and film the experience for Harlan's future enjoyment.
Mouse possibly had the most frustrating plotline this week. She refused to apply to a back-up school and focus solely on her dreams at Harvard before realizing that having a safety school was the best advice. We've all had that friend who's safety school was our top choice. Ugh! Really Mouse?!
Was it too soon to get rid of Weaver? Will Samantha and Larissa connect again? How will Maggie cope with her new predicament? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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