The game is over and a new winner has been crowned. It's been a roller coaster of a season with betrayals, twists and the biggest shift of power from a twist I've ever seen. Big Brother Canada 2 will go down as an incredible season to study when learning about Big Brother. In a polarizing final two compared to last year's vote, 23 year old student Jon Pardy won the game in a 6-1 vote against 25 year old hair dresser Sabrina Abbate. The winner and final results were unsurprising after Neda Kalantar, the 22 year old fashion stylist, was evicted by her ally Jon at Final Three.
I haven't posted about the recent evictions in a while so similar to last year's post, I will combine the last five evictions together in one post. I will cover my thoughts from Adel's blunder to Heather's surprising season turnaround. Let's start with the last evictee...
Adel (Fifth Place)
Adel (Fifth Place)
Wake up, Canada! Actually...Adel needed to wake up. He had the personality to win people over and the luck to survive after losing all his alliance members, but he didn't have the foresight to play the game. He wasted his Head of Household (HOH) to take out a Gremlin instead of focusing his efforts on the real threats: Jon & Neda. Adel was ready to jump in and play the game with Jon but Jon couldn't do anything as the girls were running the house that week. Everyone was after the power couple and yet he wasn't ready to strike against the pair. There were six players left - time was running out and he wasted his opportunity. I wouldn't be surprised to see Adel return for another season. He won over the audience but he couldn't win the game.
Heather (Fourth Place)
I expected Heather to be one of the first evictees. Her opening introduction made me cringe and she seemed like a fame-seeking recruit - someone brought in who didn't want to compete nor knew how to play the game. Over the course of the season, I ended up really liking Heather and she was turning her game around. I thought she had a chance to win it all! Unfortunately for her, it didn't work out but I'm proud of her. My opinions can change and she shocked me the most. Heather (Fourth Place)
Neda (Third Place)
Neda! I wanted Neda to win so bad. She was controlling the house, manipulating the houseguests and made the big game moves that altered the season. If she hadn't lost the final HOH competition, she would have been in the finals and would have won. Her game was incredible as no one suspected her and yet she took control of the power from the First Five halfway through the season. Neda will absolutely be back from another season and I can't wait to see how she changes her tactics.
Sabrina (Second Place)
Sabrina (Second Place)
Sabrina had no chance to win Big Brother. Her emotional tirades and explosive comments destroyed any social game she had. The jury, with the exception of Rachelle, would never vote for her win - she burned all bridges long before the evicted players left the house. Congratulations on securing second place! No one expected her to make it that far and many viewers wanted her gone (including myself), but she proved people wrong and accomplished the impossible.
Jon (First Place)
Jon (First Place)
Jon is a rarity in the Big Brother game. He's a physical threat, has a great social game, and is absolutely loved by fans...yet he made it to the finals never facing an eviction vote. He was only nominated once but won the Power of Veto (POV) to take himself off the nomination block; he's never received an eviction vote against him. I'm shocked that no one thought to target Jon - he's a perfect target. Though, he was great television and a deserving winner as he and Neda dominated the latter half of the game. I was unsure if he would make the tough decision but he proved me wrong. His best move was evicting Neda and it was a winning decision that scored him the season.
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