Everybody loves music; whether it's fast or slow, upbeat or emo, and everything in between. I've decided to start a new feature post on this blog called "Tuesday Tunes." On Tuesdays, I will choose three videos from YouTube whether they're parodies, artist's videos, movie/music/TV performances, or anything else with an undertone of music (even if it's just in the background) that catches my interest. I will then post those three videos here for you all to see. If you have your own suggestions for what types of videos you'd like to see for the following week, post your comments below and see if your video makes the Top 3.
The three videos I've chosen to highlight for the first week are:
"Black Sheep" by Metric(performance at Comic-Con)
"Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Bass Down Low" byDev
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About Justin Carreiro
Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.