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2011 New Year's Resolutions

By  Justin Carreiro     11:40 AM    Labels:,,, 
Today is the final day of 2010 and what a year its been. Things have been stressed, fun, and have begun new experiences that will make way for the future. Every year I always make a resolution which I never keep. Things always get in the way and truthfully, I forget about the resolution in a month or so and just continue living.

Below are my three resolutions for 2011 and hopefully I will be able to accomplish them for the next year:
  1. Move out of my family's house and into my own place or with a roommate.
  2. Explore life more independently and not be scared to take risks that will mean more to me in the long-run.
  3. Make more time to experience and enjoy love/relationships.
    I hope you all can accomplish your resolutions in the next year and that it will be everything that you are looking for. Happy new years everyone and I will see you all in the next year.

    About Justin Carreiro

    Justin is a longtime TV buff and gamer. He loves chatting about shows, playing video and board games, and his not-so-secret love for reality tv. He is also a fan of horror movies, music and a bookworm at heart. He spends his time in Toronto working in PR and Social Media.

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